Interest Rates

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Interest Rates and Maintaining Balance


To see the requirements for opening an account, please visit the Accounts page.


Product Interest Rate Per Annum Minimum Maintaining Balance Remarks
Regular Savings Deposit (REG) 0.75% ₱ 500.00 Quarterly Interest
Micro Savings Deposit (MSD) 0.75% ₱ 200.00 Quarterly Interest
Kiddie Savings Deposit (KID) 0.75% ₱ 200.00 Quarterly Interest
Regular Deposit with ATA (Savings to Current) 0.75% ₱ 8,000.00 Quarterly Interest
Special Savings Account (SSA) 1.0% ₱ 5,000.00 and Above 30 Days (min) Interest upon Maturity
Special Savings Deposit (SSD) 5.0% ₱ 50,000.00 to ₱ 999,999.00 5 Years with Monthly Interest
Special Savings Deposit (SSD) 6.0% – 6.5% ₱ 1,000,000.00 and Above 5 Years with Monthly Interest
US Dollar Savings Account Corporate 0.25% US $ 2,000.00 Quarterly Interest
US Dollar Savings Account Personal 0.25% US $ 500.00 Quarterly Interest
Demand Deposit N/A ₱ 8,000.00 No Interest Bearing
Demand Deposit with ATA to S/A N/A ₱ 8,000.00 No Interest Bearing


Deposits are insured by PDIC up to P500,000 per depositor.

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